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Comprehensive reporting tools to track all your giving streams

With easyTithe, you have the ability to view a wide range of custom reports by person, transaction, fund, and date range. See your church’s year-to-date totals, monthly giving trends, current recurring giving, forecasting and more from your easyTithe control panel. We also have pre-built data imports and exports for most financial packages, such as QuickBooks, Shelby, ACS, PowerChurch, Servant Keeper, IconCMO, HelpMate, and Church Office Online. If yours isn’t listed, we can add it for you! We also provide integrations with popular Church Management Software admins already love using.

Next Step: Form Manager

Customized giving and event forms

Your church needs can change at any time, so being able to quickly create a donation or registration form is crucial to support your mission. easyTithe enables you to streamline your forms process by customizing an unlimited number of forms for building funds, church events, volunteer opportunities, mission trips and more. Forms can be embedded on your own church website. Customize emails, payment fields, dropdowns, and more when building forms. You can select to create a form from scratch or choose from one of our templates.

Next Step: Dashboard

Data-rich dashboard for quick insights

easyTithe’s powerful dashboard provides at-a-glance views of your giving and donor statistics. Identify where your donations are coming from broken down into online, kiosks and text giving to better understand your donor profile. You can also quickly pull data on donation amounts, trends, new donors, the total number of donors, and average donation.

Next Step: Recurring Giving

The added stability of recurring giving

Increase your overall giving and provide forecasting for your church budget by allowing donors to participate in recurring giving. Members can set the amount and frequency of their donations and even have the choice to contribute to multiple funds. Recurring gifts can be set up on your church's website, mobile app, or via text. Easily view auto donation schedules and amounts at the click of a button.

Next Step: Additional Features
  • More Than Giving

    easyTithe isn’t just an online giving solution; it’s a resource to help churches grow and inspire giving among their congregants. That is why we offer on-demand product training, partner resources and additional coaching resources to maximize your donor engagement.

  • Multi-Campus Support

    Easily manage multiple campuses by creating custom giving pages for each individual site with site-specific funds and track site specific donation information. Within the control panel, you can edit campus names, add new campuses, edit campus order, see inactive campuses, and more.

  • Unlimited Users

    Whether you have 50 people donating online or 50,000; we won't charge you more because you have more. With flexible pricing plans, easyTithe offers options to best fit your budget.

What Donors Love about easyTithe

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